Sunday, July 18, 2010


Our first camping trip was by Lake Wissota near Chippewa Falls. Matt and Tessa and Oliver came with. Oliver is a great camper! He brings his dog bed with and doesn't seem to think it's strange that we are sleeping in this moveable house and sitting outside a lot. On the last camp trip, I woke up to loud snoring in the morning and thot it was Tessa. Come to find out it was Oliver who snores like a human ;)
My sister and her husband camped with us too and brought Sophie for her first camping adventure. She did very well, but I think she thot the whole thing was really wierd. This campground even had wireless internet!

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1 comment:

Jody Blue said...

Ooo look at that fire! Internet and a snoring thats camping in style...hill billy style:)