Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mpls. Trip

I went to Mpls. with Jami, Tyler, Matt, and Tessa this weekend to visit our friend, Mary.Saturday morning Jami and Tyler made us breakfast of french toast, sausage, and juice. Jody wants to know what we ate because Mary usually cooks big elegant meals for us. My kids are so responsible that Tessa and Jami planned breakfasts for us. I think they planned a lunch too but we ended up having Chinese while we were out and about. My only contribution was cream puffs. We went to the Art Institute Saturday for a couple hours.
Big blown glass sculpture as we entered. Done by the same man who did some at the Mayo Clinic. Rae gave me a lesson on this one time in Rochester but I have forgotten his name, etc.
The kids had to have a little caffeine before we started.

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Rae Kaiser said...

Ahhhhhhhh... I feel like I had a little trip. Thanks, Rae

Jody Blue said...

That glass thing is really cool...but not as cool as your kids! How sweet to treat you and Mary to breakfast!

Jane said...

His name is Dale Chihuly. He has some of his stuff on the walls at the Kohl center in Madison.