Monday, March 21, 2011

Fabric De-Stash

I have been working my way thru bins of fabric and picking out the ones I really don't like and will probably never use. This quilt went to White Cross--the ladies at church send quilts to other countries or sell them to raise funds for mailing costs. Pink bin--done!!

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Tami said...

You are pretty amazing. If that is your stash of fabric you don't care for, WOW! I'm excited to see the stuff you do like.

The quilt is beautiful. When I grow up, I think that is what I am going to do. Take quilting lessons from you, and make quilts. Let's see, what will you be doing in around 13 or so years? Bubby should be graduating then, so I'll be free. ;)

Jody Blue said...

Impressive for your 2nds:) its is good you are so willing to part with stuff, I need a lesson at times.