Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Saturday night we went to a 30th anniversary party for friends, Andy and Cindy. It was a nice evening for being outside, visiting, and eating good food.
Monday I hung out with Loretta doing computer stuff with her new laptop. It was fun. Up until last month we exercised together 3 times a week. Then I got a herd. I missed keeping up with her and realized how much when I spent the day with her. I love her heart for the Lord and she's fun.
Today I did an errand for Tanner and then went to the library. What a treat! I got the next book in a series I'm reading, a Chinese cookbook, 2 quilt books, and a book by Eudora Welty who friend Mary recommended. I feel so happy and like I have a pile of treasures after spending time at the library. Then I come home and look thru the treasures and I'm happy all over again. One of the quilt books was written in the early '70's and it has stories told by women quilters from as far back as the late 1800's. I finished it already--very interesting.
I got a diet book in the mail for a diet I'm going to try. There will be no dieting in Heaven :0!!!!!!!
Maybe I'll take 2 months to read it......


Tessa Nelson said...

I just said to Matt, "I love the library!" I was saying that I have some books that have to go back and that there are some there for me to pick up and it's like there's a present waiting for me that I just have to go pick up and then I was thinking that I should take some sort of cool picture and blog about it.... and then my mommy beat me to it!! I love you! And I love that I got a love of books and the library from you - and you were worried that I would never like to read and that I'd never like my brothers enough to go out of my way to be w/ them, and both are true now! Funny how all of that changes.... I never thought I'd like naps when you told me that one day I would.. and now we plan weekends around when we can get a nap in! You were just right about everything it turns out!

Jody Blue said...

Oh Tessa, if only all children would rise up and call their mothers blessed as you have! And that right about everthing stuff just warms my heart!!