Monday, July 27, 2009

Lake Arbutus

We spent 2 nights camping at Lake Arbutus.
Got a handicap spot right on the lake. We all
took turns making meals..Tyler and Jami
making breakfast egg muffins.

The weather on the lake was ever changing. Little
storms would roll in and minutes later the sun
would reappear. Sat. this was repeated frequently.
Found a pretty place when driving and went back
to climb down and see it close up.
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Tami said...

Ohhh, my kiddos would have so much fun exploring that rocky area. What excitement to jump from rock to rock, and the critters you could find. Mmmm, it doesn't get any better than that.

Jody Blue said...

That looks so relaxing, I'm with Tami on exploring that little treasure.