Tessa's quilt is done! It's a king size beauty. One winter John's mom needed something to do so Tessa picked out fabric and I cut strips and delivered them to Jane. She hand sewed all the blocks while watching tv at night and it got her thru winter. It was my job to put the blocks together. I started and got so frustrated I put it away for a year. Hand sewing creates all different sizes and it was like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. The next time I was more determined and it got done. A great machine quilter--Maxine Jacobs quilted it and did a splendid job! Tessa and Matt should have many happy years snuggling under this heirloom!
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Lovely. What an accomplishment.
it's so beautiful... I almost don't want to use it, it's too pretty:-) Thanks for all the work on it mommy!!!
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